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How did my little dog save me from thieves


It was almost noon, I was sitting on my bed in the upper floor of my home and read a book. Suddenly the doorbell rang and my dog started barking. Who can it be? I wasn’t expecting anybody at the time. Maybe it’s the mailman or some salesman? I decided not to answer thinking they would go away. My dog went down the stairs and continued barking, the bell did not stop ringing and the dog kept barking. I called her but she did not come back upstairs.                                        


After some time the bell stopped ringing and I assumed the dog would come back but she did not. She went on and on. I understood I had no choice but to go down and get her myself. Since I can’t walk I sat on the motorized chair and went down to the lower floor. When I got to the living room and looked out to the garden I couldn’t believe my eyes. The living room glass windows and the barred door were locked but the shades were open.In the enclosed terrace, through the window panes I noticed two strangers tearing up the place and looking for things to steal. I was home alone, can’t walk, what could I do? What if they come in here?   Lately there were many burglaries in my neighborhood. I wasn’t only worried about theft, but also frightened should they attack me. Even if they didn’t attack me physically, they might shatter the glass ,throw things and harm me.I  remained sitting in my motorized chair, they didn’t see me .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             What if they would start a fire in  the balcony?                                                                                                                                     I use the balcony as a studio in which I paint, make stained glass art, etc. Would they destroy things just for pure violence? Should I call for help? How long will it take till it arrived? I don’t know how, but suddenly a strong cry escaped from my mouth “What are you doing? “ The two men, probably well practiced at escaping just ran away. I was glad they ran away and did not succeed in making any damage. My tensed muscles relaxed a bit. I felt like a punctured balloon. I felt weakness. Suddenly I understood that this might have ended differently. What if they hadn’t run away? They were not afraid of the dogs barks, they could have destroyed things and maybe even hurt me.

I contacted the police; it took sometime till I got an answer. Trembling, all worked up about the event, I called my husband who arrived even before the police, we didn’t touch anything. The policeman arrived and searched for finger prints. Then he told me it was a pity I scared them away because the police might have caught them. I smiled and thought to myself that I was very glad they escaped and did not make any harm. I was home alone and in my condition it was for the best.

My little dog who usually did not even scare a cat, saved me from the thieves. She was tiny and not even young, but her hearing was still good and her barks were strong. 



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