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It was a night filled with nightmares, I couldn’t sleep. I was lying in my bed, tossing  and turning, trying to find a comfortable position but in vain. I took a deep breath trying to think positive but nothing helped. My legs were injured, I can’t walk, but the desire to walk grows in me and doesn’t give me rest.

Thoughts were running through my head. Sometimes they were like waves up and down and at last subside.

Sometimes they moved as titanic waves crashing in strong voices towards the wall. A tremor gripped me, what will happen? Will things change for the better?  Will I ever stop feeling as if I am cursed? Will I succeed in getting out of that ?

The thoughts would not go away. I wished to fall asleep, such slumber to take away my nightmares but it didn’t work. I was sitting, reading a little and lie down again. At last I fell asleep.

In my dream I went out with friends to a trip in the desert. At that year, a lot of rain washed the area and flowers bloomed all around. Colors of pink, blue, white and green covered wide surfaces. We climbed the mountain, up and down and admired the amazing view,the air was clean and I filled my lungs. High and low mountains, valleys and stones surrounded us. From time to time, an ibex showed up running. The desert charmed us.

Time passed by and suddenly we understood that we got lost. Evening came down on us, and we could not return. We searched for a cave to get some rest and waited for the night to be over.

Hunger bugged us a bit and  much water did not remain.We didn’t talk too much, we were a little scared. We knew that at night it would be difficult for someone to reach us.We missed warm clothes so we stuck to one another and sat silently. An  hour after hour passed, darkness deepened, voices of jackals and other animales were heard. From time to time a bat shook up and flew away, almost colliding into us.

 Suddenly a small spot of light appeared, our eyes opened scared, what can it be? The spot moved toward us slowly growing. Lights and shadows danced on the cave’s walls going up and down, sometimes large ones, sometimes small. The spot of light approached us surrounded by glass walls and some decorated copper poles. How nice was that lantern, distributing bright light. We were hypnotized, the cave was no longer dark, sweet warmth spread, smiles appeared on our faces. We hugged and began singing.


I woke up from my dream with a smile stretched on my face. I swathe rays of the sun seeping into the room through the window shutters, creating lights and shadows on my bedroom walls. The warm beams wrapped and protected me. I felt the energy flowing through my body, nourishing every cell and nerve. A new day has begun, yesterday’s fear has moved to allow hope in. There was night and now it’s day, there was darkness and now there’s light. A lot of shadows floated through our life, but somewhere at the end of the tunnel, light reaches in. 

The lantern light


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